Recording Workshop
In the Recording Studio...
SO recording has begun! I have been working with a team of "actors" from the local university URACCAN's Centro de Liderazgo, or center for leadership. It is basically a live in high school made up of students from surrounding Miskito communities who show traits of leadership. We have been in the studio recording four times now and have completed 8 out of 9 chapters in Spanish. Tomorrow we will finish our Spanish chapters and move into Miskito. I had decided to work with this group of students because they all speak Spanish and Miskito, though Spanish is certainly there second language! I've found myself taking on the role of whip-cracking radio show producer. Its fun, stressful, and as always, requires much more work than I ever imagined...its starting to look really easy to have a baby!!! Sunday when we recorded all day long the woman who owns the recording studio told me that our editor had commented that he is learning so much about n=1 says that the radio soap-opera Mairin Karnakira just might work!